Would You Notice If Your Payroll Was Paying Someone Who...
Read More“Hello. This call may be monitored or recorded for training purposes. Thank you for calling our payroll service customer service line. How can we help you? Choose from the following options… If you are an individual that uses our payroll service at your company, press 1. If you are an administrator of a company that uses our payroll service, press 2. To return to the main menu, press 3. *pressed 2* I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. Did you press 1? Please know, our payroll service does not have live personal customer service. Goodbye.”
I’m pretty sure everyone has heard that annoying little call menu. No one has the patience for that or getting put on hold for so long. Everyone wants to speak to a real person right away. Most all payroll companies, such as ADP, Gusto, or QuickBooks, all start out with a call menu and don’t lead you to a real person. Here at Superior Trucking Payroll Service (STPS), we don’t have a call menu and we rarely put anyone on hold. When you call us you speak to a real person. Not only do you speak to a real person but you also get to speak with the exact person that processes your payroll every week. This way all customers will be able to form a personal relationship with their processor and will be able to trust that person to always be there for them when they need them.

Not only do we form relationships with our customers but we make sure that we fit our payroll service to their specific needs. Other payroll companies have one way of doing payroll services, so the customer has to adapt to the way that the payroll company does it. There are no customizations unless you pay for add-ons and even those add-ons might not even be what you want or need.
The way that STPS can fit to the customers’ needs and wants. We can customize what’s on your paystub such as; load number, delivery date, the city the driver started in or ended in, or both, or miles driven. Along with how much the truck driver got paid for each load and the total amount. We can even put the company logo on the pay stubs. Customizing the reports are also possible, customers can ask for information such as how often they are getting paid: weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. We can also put the details of what money is coming out of the paycheck and where the money is going.
Since STPS is a niche trucking payroll service, we know how to do payroll specifically for trucking companies. Other payroll companies don’t know how to do trucking payroll because they only focus on employees that get paid hourly or salaried. We are able to focus on paying truck drivers by the mile or by the percentage of the load.
We also don’t have a specific way to send in your payment data for us to process so customers are able to email it in however they want, such as; excel sheet, word doc, table, pdf, etc. This makes it easier on the customer because they don’t need to change their whole system of how they’ve been collecting their data.
Our mission statement is “To help trucking families,” because we don’t just want to help the customer but we also want to make it easy for everyone in their family as well by making sure nothing goes wrong with their payroll. We want to support everyone by sticking to our mission statement. STPS will always be here for its customers.
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