Can my truck driver have a direct deposit go into someone else’s account?
Every so often you’ll get an employee that asks the payroll department for a new direct deposit form so they can put some money into someone else’s account. It may be a spouse or significant other, it also may be someone to whom they owe money. It may be tempting to allow it, it doesn’t affect you after all right? Wrong. It could mean big losses for your trucking company. Let’s talk about what could go wrong.
You wouldn't be able to reverse the direct deposit if necessary.
How do you prevent this?
What you need to prevent this is evidence that the employee is on the account to which they want to deposit. This can be a copy of a check with their name on it. (This check is also nice to verify account numbers, some people have poor penmanship.) It can also be a letter from the bank or credit union. If you require this document, you can lose any worries about a failed reversal from another account.

Written by Mike Ritzema
With over 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, management, business planning, financial analysis, software engineering, operations, and decision analysis, Mike has the breadth and depth of experience needed to quickly understand entrepreneurs’ businesses and craft the most suitable solutions.