The Unique Challenge of Trucking Payroll Are you tired of...
Read MoreWe may not always be the right fit for you, as much as we hate to say it. There will be instances when ADP, Paychex, or Gusto are a better fit for the payroll requirements of your trucking company than we are. We believe it is our duty to inform you when this is the case because it is part of our objective to “Help Trucking Families.” Here are some instances where other businesses would be better for you than ours.
You have locations in multiple countries all paying under one Federal ID Number:
We are only focused on company payrolls located in the United States. We have some friends that can help Canada-only businesses. If you have a company that is based and operates outside of the US, ADP would be a better fit for your trucking company, even though we’d love to assist you.
Price is the only thing that matters:
You may already know all about the payroll laws and you don’t need our expertise. When you sign up with us, we provide knowledge in trucking payroll. Gusto or Intuit payroll can be a better option for you if you don’t require payroll expertise and are solely concerned with choosing a cheap supplier. Our prices are reasonable, however if saving every penny is your main priority, we might not be the best fit.
If you’re not in the trucking industry:
When you are a different kind of company such as a doctor’s office or a restaurant, we wouldn’t be the company that would help you the best. If you need to find a non-trucking payroll service, go to for a local service that would be a much better fit or your company.
If you need to get documentations in person:
Every now and again, you need something in hard copy, ASAP! Even though we can deliver items to you overnight, sometimes isn’t fast enough. We might not be a good fit if you frequently have payrolls that call for paper checks, which you must pick up the same day from our office. If this applies to you and you are not local to Grand Rapids, Michigan, a payroll provider in your area might be more beneficial. We would be pleased to recommend you to any of the many payroll services we are familiar with around the country.
Bottom Line:
Please contact us if you have any questions about whether we are the ideal solution for your payroll needs. We sincerely appreciate the chance to speak with you, learn about your particular needs, and consider how we might be of most help. Our goal is to make sure you’re satisfied, and if we think another service could be better able to assist you, we won’t hesitate to suggest them. Our top priority is you, and we’re dedicated to helping your business find the best option possible. Let’s talk about how we can successfully and efficiently handle your payroll needs.
Tessa joined Superior Trucking Payroll Service in September 2022. She loves to write and make videos which made her a great asset to the team in her marketing position.
Before working at Superior Trucking Payroll Service she worked in IT at GVSU which gave her the skills to problem-solve with customers over the phone.
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